中國搜索引擎優化 - 讓全球華人認識你



SEO for Chinese audience is quite a bit different than SEO in the West.  You can’t reach Chinese customers with Google, largely due to the well known Great Firewall of China (GFW).   GFW is combination of legislation rules and technology to regulate internet access.  therefore, China SEO starts by making your website or shopping website play nice with local market.









Google and Bing both has a little over 2% market share in China , the most widely use Chinese search engine is Baidu which boasting a market share of around 70%.  It makes perfect sense to invest most of the China SEO effort to Baidu. However, optimizing Baidu using the same approach for Google unlikely to work well in Baidu.

Baidu SEO comes with its own unique rank algorithm and technical preferences for websites to rank top.  Baidu SEO result dictates by the complex culture, language, user behavior and government restrictions.  It’s vital to hired a local SEO company which speak the language and knows the culture to navigate through the maze of the Chinese internet.

搜狗/ 神馬 / 360搜索

While Baidu is undoubtedly the most influential search engine in China. But like all industries, it does has a few upcoming competitors. Haosou 360 claims about 12% market for desktop, Shenma dominate the mobile search market about 20%.  And Sogou third largest in China trailing behind Haosou 360 at 5%.  China’s search engine market is very diverse and business that only focus on Baidu may risk missing out on a significant portion of potential customers.








在中國,超過90%的互聯網用戶通過手機訪問網絡。 無可否認,響應式網站對搜索引擎更有利。


本地化, 高質素內容

中國人喜歡欣賞高質量的內容,並願意為搜索引擎的排名作出貢獻。 但是,大多數中國公司仍在追求網站即時的性能提升,而錯過了高質量內容帶來的持續入站流量的長期利益。



在中國也可以利用連結的構建,但比Google的複雜。 中國的鏈接建設通常包括連結交換,連結的採購和建立夥伴關係。



中文關鍵字研究是一種策略,讓你找到可以排名最高並吸引最多客戶的關鍵字及短句。 關鍵字研究需要透過趨勢,用戶行為和大量搜索並作出深入分析。



利用分析,你可以了解哪些頁面轉換率較高,哪些頁面的跳出率較低,哪些關鍵字吸引了最多的流量。 作出調整使它們發揮最大程度的排名潛力。



Website localization is a do or don’t bother for websites wants to have a presence in China. From China hosting to ICP license application, we can take you step by step to ready your website for billions of Chinese audience.


Chinese is a complex language so does Chinese keyword research. Chinese does have a clear separator in English, so you likely to see different combination of the Chinese words in difference search engine depends on their unique algorithm.  A native Chinese expert living in China is your best bet to have Chinese keyword research done right.


It’s obvious that Chinese are prefer receiving their information in Chinese language.  Only a very small percent of Chinese are reading English content on daily basis. Chinese content copywriting service only done by native Chinese is easier to  engage with your customers.  And copywriter should be aware of  any illegal content which can shutdown by government.


Chinese consumers are very much content driven. Therefore, content marketing is much more significant in China, the trend is expected to grow in the future.  Chinese content comes in all kinds of forms and shapes, from Q&A platform Tieba to social platform Tik Tok, business need to have a complex strategy as how to invest in content platforms to maximise ROI.


The goal of on-site optimization is the same for Baidu, Google or any other search engine, is to make easier for search engine to crawl, index and find your website.  Ranking elements are the difference with search engine due to their unique ranking algorithm.


Chinese link building is much different than Google.  You need to regularly update relevant Chinese content and build links must from Chinese website.  Often Chinese link building strategy is more benefit-driven like link exchange, link procurement etc.


China SEO consultation is offer to those companies with capacity of implementing SEO in-house, but need the SEO expert consultation on China SEO.  We start with competition analysis, based on the finding,  then we concentrate on web strategy, SEO algorithms, content, offers and other features which can make your website sound similar or better than competitors with freshness.


Baidu launched their new Power Wind algorithm in 2020.  The algorithm covers all websites an applets for better user experience and penalize malicious construction of aggregate pages for illegal click baiting.  Illegal pages considered by Baidu use malicious constructs to aggregate links just to obtain search rankings and clicks. This type of malicious aggregation page generally has no relevant content and a poor UX.

為何選用Assist Media 作為你的香港SEO服務供應商


作為SEO服務供應商,我們致力了解客戶的業務目標。 然後,在制定所有決策時都會考慮這些目標。


現今社會,數據就是一切。 從計劃到執行,一切都應以數據為大原則,令成功的機會大大提高。


近年來,數碼營銷變得越來越複雜。 憑藉20年的代理經驗以及技術和市場營銷專家的經驗團隊,我們為你提供快速,滿意的服務。


我們擁有一些在SEO方面擁有超過10年經驗的客戶服務人員為你服務。 如果你對本地SEO有任何疑問-歡迎提出查詢! 他們隨時準備提供幫助。


有許多衡量 SEO成效的衡量指標,我們選用的KPI,能夠快速達致你的目標並讓業務及活動得到成功。


Assist Media作為你的SEO代理商,不但讓你獲得更多的流量並產生更多的業務,而且你更擁有一支由專家組成的團隊,讓你的帳戶得以最大程度地發揮作用。



China SEO is a variation of SEO service specially for China market.  Google does not have dominance here and Baidu is the search engine everybody goes to.  And upcoming competitors like Haosou 360, Shenma, Sougou consider the 90% China’s search market.


Baidu does regularly crawls websites to keep their index records up-to-date, it can take 1-2 months until your site and updates are indexed. If you want to update your website faster to the Baidu Index (ZiYuan), you can submit your URL here. Submit your sitemap so that all sites are indexed same as you do in Google but in Chinese.


Unfortunately, NO. Baidu only operates in Chinese, and the same goes to all the services they offer, Tieba, Baike and more.


The answer is easy,  YES.  Only company considers building an in-house SEO team you have the budget and expertise